Tuesday 3 May 2011

Mirai Cute Cute Cat

History saying for cat :)

Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world.Owing to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere in the world.Cats have strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and ability to see in near darkness to locate prey. Not only can cats hear sounds too faint for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive. Cat can heard thing that is in higher frequency then us.Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a much better sense of smell than humans.Cats can breed  very fast.Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a much better sense of smell than humans.
This is family photo of me and my cat, my family like cats very much so since went i was young, so since young i alway use to interact with cat alots, i don't wherthe the cat is pure breed or not, as long as the cat is in need, i will try to help.

 This is my one and only male cat in the house, name (BoyBoy). His name used to be (ZaiZai) but my parent don't like it so we call it BoyBoy. 
This picture was taken on the first day of BoyBoy coming to my house, BoyBoy was pick up by my dad one day went he was having a slow walk in the night,my dad see it the cat keep on purring and take a pity on him and bought him home, my dad did not have to carry the cat home, he said to the cat "if you want come home with me, just follow me" so wired like as the cat understand what my dad had said, the cat just follow my dad wherever he go, that how BoyBoy end up living with us.
Name:Chang BoyBoy
Date of Birth:10.9.09
Favo Food:Chicken Meat
Ah Girl is like my sister, we born in the same year and month just only different date. Ah Girl is pick up by my grangfather, my grandfather pick up ah girl near his work site.

                                                                     Name:Chang Ah Girl
                                                               Date of Birth:15.07.94
                                                        Favo Food:Cat Biscket (Seafood)
This is "Xiao Hu" the most mean cat in the family, she don't like people to carry her or play with her, she is like living in her own world, only sometime she listen to you. Ah important to add on she is the lightest cat in the family. 
This is Xiao Hu baby photo, Xiao Hu was bought home by me, the story go like this, one day after an event i was about to go home, on my way to lift i saw a kitten meowing by itself, like so poor thing so i bought home with me. At first my first don't really like Xiao Hu because she got long tail, as they said long tail cat not good, in what sense of not good, i also don't get it. But after a period of time they allow me to keep Xiao Hu.

Name:Chang Xiao Hu
Date of Birth:26.04.08
Favo Food:Fish snack.

 This is my most favo cat "Sushi" i name Sushi because she is in black and white colour, the black part is the seaweed and the white part is the rice. Cute Right !!
This is a baby photo of Sushi, supper cute right. Sushi was also bought home by me. I and my family went walking  around the places near my house and we went pass a drain, we heard kitten meowing, we go and take a look and saw a kitten in the drain, so me and my brother went to resuce the kitten, at first it was hard to catch the kitten because she keep on running about, at last we think of using something to lure out the kitten, we find some long leaf to lure out the kitten. At last we manage to catch the ktten out, while on the way to bring Sushi home she was meowing like there is no tomorrow, all the passby people was looking at us wiredly.
Name:Sushi Chang
Date of Birth:16.10.09
Favo Food:Any food that human will like

                                Now going to show some picture of how me and my cat interact
                                         Same faces, we both are so boring. Wanna play ?? 
                     Since young Sushi like to sleep on my shoulder, till now still sleep on my shoulder!!
                                       This  is a picture that Sushi hide inside my brother slevee 
       This a picture of BoyBoy after bath , BoyBoy hate to bath(mostly cat don't like bath)

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