Tuesday 3 May 2011

A few of my best Family Outing.

Introduction of the main charactor:
                                 The guy behind is my brother (Ivan) 3 years older then me.
                                 The one inbetween is my mother, pretty right!!
                                 Lastly the big face want is me Agnes.
The first outing will be New Year Celebrations :)

Chinese New Year is coming up time to go buy New Year good, decroration, sweet, snack, drink, and a few box of oranges. I rarely like Chinese New Years because all around is full of people, but no choice have to help family carry stuff, i don't like chinese new years, but i like outing with my family. Outing make us talk more and interact more with our family member. But outing to my family is very rare, so i will treasure very outing.
Chinese New Years decroration stuff we will alway go China Town and buy as it is much cheaper, and got alot of new stuff to see, like stage performent and street paining and street drawing. one word that wow so much of cool stuff.
And we will go to the nearby temple and pray and wish that is well be a smooth years for everyone, after pray we set off to buy the stuff needed for Chinese New Years Celebration, China Town will have alot of people during Chinese New Years, the people there to buy the cheaperest new years so do us. We will also go to the sweet and snack store first as to buy the lightest stuff then the heavy stuff. After snack store, will be the drink store. Then after the drink, will be the fruit store to buy oranges, i like oranges very much also, espially new years oranges, they are very the sweet.
After everything that are needed are bought we will find a food court to eat something as to chit-chat as well, interact more :) .
The second outing will be to temple to pray for good health and result for up coming exam.
                  The temple is located near sin ming road, it is a very big temple.
Everytime went exam are coming out parent will bring their kid to pray, pray that they won't fall sick and well score well for the exam. That day we go there fow two purpose one is to pray for up coming exam and secondly is for vesk day. That will fill up with alot of people during vesk day, because there is lot of stuff to see and free food to eat, the food taste nice, and sometime there is performent and free goodies bag to take. And alot of aunties will go there and snatch "give me one, give me one".
Sometime very boring there is lot of people jamming up the main road, and have to wait till people move alway and then we can continue to walk on.
Every years vesk day me and my family will go there and pray, i like there larten and wood craving, and sometime they small room showing people after and what happen if  you kill any living things. When i was young i like the children concner, as there free hand or face paining and free hand and hair tatoo. Kid are easy to please not like now we are not interested with this stuff anymore .

Third outing my most favo outing is to pula ubin

First time sitting a boat with my family member!!

        It my most favo outing because it was my first time sitting a boat with my family member. 
I was so happy that i was able to sit a boat with my family, i rarely sit a boat, it was sunden ideai to go pula ubin,i ride with bike with my family , it is the most monment of my life, pula ubin is like an kompong . But it is nice because can keep alot of different types of animal, like pig, chicken, duck, many cat, dog.
There is also free durin in the forest, there still alot of different type of fruit, like papaya, mango, banana, etc. All fruit are free of charge, if it is in the forest, me and my family member also went in to pick free fruit to eat, oh man the  fruit is so sweet and nice. Nature fruit is the best. 
After cycling , we go kite flying, we buy kite for the shop near by the bike shop, me and my brother go kite flying, my parent go pinic. What a loving day. My best mommest in life.             

Mirai Cute Cute Cat

History saying for cat :)

Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world.Owing to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere in the world.Cats have strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and ability to see in near darkness to locate prey. Not only can cats hear sounds too faint for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive. Cat can heard thing that is in higher frequency then us.Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a much better sense of smell than humans.Cats can breed  very fast.Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a much better sense of smell than humans.
This is family photo of me and my cat, my family like cats very much so since went i was young, so since young i alway use to interact with cat alots, i don't wherthe the cat is pure breed or not, as long as the cat is in need, i will try to help.

 This is my one and only male cat in the house, name (BoyBoy). His name used to be (ZaiZai) but my parent don't like it so we call it BoyBoy. 
This picture was taken on the first day of BoyBoy coming to my house, BoyBoy was pick up by my dad one day went he was having a slow walk in the night,my dad see it the cat keep on purring and take a pity on him and bought him home, my dad did not have to carry the cat home, he said to the cat "if you want come home with me, just follow me" so wired like as the cat understand what my dad had said, the cat just follow my dad wherever he go, that how BoyBoy end up living with us.
Name:Chang BoyBoy
Date of Birth:10.9.09
Favo Food:Chicken Meat
Ah Girl is like my sister, we born in the same year and month just only different date. Ah Girl is pick up by my grangfather, my grandfather pick up ah girl near his work site.

                                                                     Name:Chang Ah Girl
                                                               Date of Birth:15.07.94
                                                        Favo Food:Cat Biscket (Seafood)
This is "Xiao Hu" the most mean cat in the family, she don't like people to carry her or play with her, she is like living in her own world, only sometime she listen to you. Ah important to add on she is the lightest cat in the family. 
This is Xiao Hu baby photo, Xiao Hu was bought home by me, the story go like this, one day after an event i was about to go home, on my way to lift i saw a kitten meowing by itself, like so poor thing so i bought home with me. At first my first don't really like Xiao Hu because she got long tail, as they said long tail cat not good, in what sense of not good, i also don't get it. But after a period of time they allow me to keep Xiao Hu.

Name:Chang Xiao Hu
Date of Birth:26.04.08
Favo Food:Fish snack.

 This is my most favo cat "Sushi" i name Sushi because she is in black and white colour, the black part is the seaweed and the white part is the rice. Cute Right !!
This is a baby photo of Sushi, supper cute right. Sushi was also bought home by me. I and my family went walking  around the places near my house and we went pass a drain, we heard kitten meowing, we go and take a look and saw a kitten in the drain, so me and my brother went to resuce the kitten, at first it was hard to catch the kitten because she keep on running about, at last we think of using something to lure out the kitten, we find some long leaf to lure out the kitten. At last we manage to catch the ktten out, while on the way to bring Sushi home she was meowing like there is no tomorrow, all the passby people was looking at us wiredly.
Name:Sushi Chang
Date of Birth:16.10.09
Favo Food:Any food that human will like

                                Now going to show some picture of how me and my cat interact
                                         Same faces, we both are so boring. Wanna play ?? 
                     Since young Sushi like to sleep on my shoulder, till now still sleep on my shoulder!!
                                       This  is a picture that Sushi hide inside my brother slevee 
       This a picture of BoyBoy after bath , BoyBoy hate to bath(mostly cat don't like bath)

My very first instruments that i play. Chinese bamboo flute (DiZi) and western flute (Flute)

First intro about the chinese flute

Chinese flute is an instrument that is make out of the best bamboo in china. It is light to carry and it is inexpensive and it is have an smoothing sound and mostly asian people will like it.
DiZi have an very simple structure: 1 blowhole, 1 membrane hole, 6 finger holes, and two pairs of holes in the end to correct the pitch and hang decorative tassels.
History of Chinese Flute

Chinese Flutes (Dizi), 9000 years old
This are over 9,000 year old chinese flutes, made from the wing bones of the red-crowned crane and carved with five to seven holes, were found at the village of Jiahu in the Yellow River Valley of China. The second flute from the bottom can still produce music without signs of strain.

A flute was found in a tomb of Eastern Han (206 BC - 9 AD) with an extra hole, perhaps for pasting a memberane
Two bamboo flutes (one long, one short) were found in a tomb of 168 BC,
Several 7,000 year old small bone flutes were found in Hemudu, Zhejiang province
More than thirty 9,000 year old flutes with five or seven holes were found in the village of Jiahu (Central Yellow River Valley of China).

My thought about chinese flute.
I first saw a chinese flute when i was in primary 3, when i had to chose my cca, the first time i heard the chinese flute sound i am in love with the flute . the sound was so nice and relaxing. That why i have chose chinese orchestra as my cca, and chose chinese flute as my instrument and started my life as an chinese flute player. At first was a tought life for me, because it was my first time playing music, as i do not have music background. The most toughtest thing was reading the music score, as there is flat and sharp in the music score.

My very own chinese flute (DiZi)

                                                          My first chinese flute (dizi)
         These two hole at the back of the chinese flute is use as decro to tie something or make it nice to see.
      The hole without tape on it, is the mouthpiece, the second hole with tape is called the membrane hole.
 This is the 6 finger hole, this hole are use to play different sound , you cover different it will produre different sound.
                          This two hole behind the chinese flute is use adjust different pitch, high or low.

This a chinese flute score.

Secondly i want to intro about my western flute

 Flutes are made of silver-plated metal such as yellow brass, which is 70% copper and 30% zinc. Silver-plating gives the flute a more mellow sound. Most professionals play on solid silver flutes (silver content 92.5%) although some, play on flutes made of other metals. Different type of flute have different , the most expensive type is the silver content.

The flute has three main parts:
Head Joint
On the head joint you will also find the tuning cork which you can move to adjust the intonation of the flute. The lip-plate, also called the embouchure plate, is likewise found on the head joint. The lip plate is where the musician rests his lower lip in order to play the flute. A curved lip-plate is easier to blow than a straight lip-plate. The blow hole, also known as the mouth hole, is likewise located on the head joint. The blow hole is where the musician blows air into in order to produce sound. A larger mouth hole favors low notes while a small mouth hole favors high notes.
Body Joint
This is the largest part of the flute and contains most of the keys. The body joint connects the head and foot joint. The keys are pressed in order to produce a certain pitch. It is important that the key pads and springs are in good condition to produce the proper quality of sound.
Foot Joint
This is the shortest part of the flute that contains a few keys. The foot joint has a rod and it is important for it to be aligned with the center of the keys in the body of the flute.

This is a flute tuner, it is use tune the flute. you can adjust your flute to flat tune or sharp tune. other instrument also can use this tuner to tune.

This is a metronomes, it is use to learn how to follow beats.

This is a group of my band mates, we perform for our school ignite concert. And this is the last time i had play the flute. It was the best concert that i had perform.
The first song was "Over The Rainbow","Hawaii Five-o".

I do not have a person western flute as it too expensive to buy one, this a flute that i own when i was in band.